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The people we meet!

When Chris and I started Luna Roaches we had an idea that the business would have a positive financial impact on us, but we didn't think about was how much our Customers would impact us.

Every day we deal with a multitude of people and sometimes those people go beyond normal customers. They become your fans, they inspire you to become a better business and they support what you do.

Recently we had the pleasure to deal with Tiffany. Tiffany like most our customers ordered Roaches from us and messaged me about the arrival of her Roaches. We started talking and come to find out she is a big Bearded Dragon fan as well. Because of that love for her Beardie she started making Enclosure Furniture. As she is showing me pictures of her creations I had the strong urge to buy just about everything she was showing me, problem was, Tiffany only does this as a hobby. Now believe me when I tell you that woman has more talent in her pinky than most people have in their entire body and I urged her to start selling her creations, not just for the extra income (I mean who doesn't like a Lil extra dough on the side you know?) but also so people like me could have some of that beauty she creates for our own reptiles. I hope she takes my advice and puts some of it up for sale so I can spruce up our Reptile enclosures! If she does I'll write a blog about it! Tiffany inspires me to reach for the stars!

There is Ed, who's had some crappy cards dealt to him with health issues but who in spite of it all always has a sunny demeanor. Ed inspires me to find the positive side of things not matter how dark life can get.

You just never know how many extraordinary people cross you on an ordinary day. What we really want to bring across is with this blog is how much we love our customers! Without you, we wouldn't exist!

Mel & Chris Adams

Luna Roaches

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